From the aspect of medium:
It is said that this piece of art work is inspired by the Symphonic Poem for 100 Metronomes, both involving timing. However, the use of new techonology like LED, speaker, electricty in Samson's work is quite different from the traditional metronomes used in Ligeti's work . We can also see that the latter include the elements of sound and movement (the swing of the poniter) while the formal includes the elements of sound and light. The light element seems to be attractive to the audience.
From the aspect of the concepts of music and sound:
We may wonder what does music consist of? It seems that in the John Cage 4'33 piece, we can tell that music may just be sound itself, maybe even silence itself. John Cage looks like in favor of pure sound, sepatating sound from music. When we consider Beethoven Piano Sonata, nr.1-nr.14(Senza Misura), an experiment to explore the transformation from music into souud, we get the message that one essential element of music is sound. We can also say that it is the medium of music. However, music is not only about pure sound. Other elements, like visual element, may also play an important role in contemporary music creation.